Commercial interior

IPS flooring, Lime plasters and Clay paints @ Suta flagship store

Memories are such beautiful things. When we started having conversations around making a space for Suta in Bangalore, our thoughts went back to the day of our first saree.

Commercial interior
Interior projects
Clay paint behind the racks of bread

The cavernous interiors of a restaurant in a renovated bungalow in central Bangalore.

Commercial interior
Interior projects
Restaurant Interior
Earthly Yours by Made In Earth

An urban oasis of deep greens and wispy whites for a café interior in central Bangalore.

Commercial interior
Interior projects
Restaurant Interior
Combed Clay Plaster and Lime

A denim research & design studio where the classic denim can be reinterpreted, rethought, and innovated.

Commercial interior
Experiencial space
Interior projects
the display shelves behind the reception showcasing samples of organic grains

An office interior for an organic certification agency.
No paint, all natural plasters!

Commercial interior
Interior projects
Office interior